
Thursday 16 June 2016

Report On Oscar Romero

Oscar Romero was a very holy man. He was born in Ciudad Barrios, El Salvador on August 15th 1917. He had a big family that lived in a small home with not enough money, though they had more than most of their neighbours. As a young boy, Oscar was determined to become a priest. At the age of 14 he joined the Catholic priesthood. In the year 1977, he became Archbishop of San Salvador. A few weeks after he became Archbishop, his friend, Rutilio Grande was brutally murdered. The death of his friend changed the way Oscar felt and thought.

After Oscar changed, he felt  an urge to change the way the poor and the oppressed were treated. He started public speaking and telling everyone about the ‘disappearances’ and murders of others. To help spread the message to everyone in El Salvador he spoke on a radio broadcast. By doing this, he gave hope to the people whose voices couldn’t be heard. While he was fighting for the oppressed and the poor, he angered the government and the rich and powerful. After some time, the government took matters in their own hands and blew up the radio broadcast headquarters. The day before Oscar died, he went to talk directly to the soldiers. He said to them “I beg you… I implore you…. I order… in the name of God, stop the repression!” The evening after, on March 24 1980, he was shot while taking a mass by an assassin who was working for the government.

The death of Oscar Romero caused many people grief and pain. Thousands of people attended his funeral. However, people died and hundreds were injured because the army opened fire at them. 12 years after his death, people found out that the ex-mayor of San Salvador, General Roberto D’Aubuisson, was the reason why Oscar Romero died. Oscar Romero was canonized on the 23rd of May 2015.

By Maranita



  1. Great Job Marinita!
    I like that you put lots of information. And I like that you put the references! Keep up the great Work!
    From Mikayla

    1. Thanks Mikayla! Keep up the great work too =)
