
Tuesday 25 August 2015

My Goals:

Maths:                                                     Stage: 7B
What can I do?

I am confident in solving word problems and figuring out multiplication and division equations. I can understand prime numbers and composite numbers. One of my strengths in maths is graphs and charts. I am confident in working out charts and graphs. I can do some number strategies. I know my multiplication and division facts accurately.

Where to next?

I need to work more on fractions, percentage, discounts and ratio and proportion. I need to work and have more exercises on BEDMAS. To work on advanced multiplication and division, solving angles, area, volume, distance, time, money and weight.

Writing:                                        Stage: 5B
What can I do?

I can write elaborative ideas and they are deliberately selected, enquired and thoroughly explained. I can organise stories well.

Where to next?

I need to work on my punctuation and my vocabulary. I need to work on editing and correcting my grammar. I need to proof read my work really well.

Reading:                 R.A.12.5-13.5
What can I do?

I can read advanced books without asking for help from others. I am confident reading intermediate books and with difficult words. I am on Set 15 and I need to get up to Set 16.

Where to next?

I would need to make connections and comprehend the factual text and relate them to life. I need to read more current issues like news and know what is happening in the world.

What can I do?

In inquiry, I can search the web for information about a particular topic. Though, I ask interesting and open-ended questions first, I take down notes first and then write the information in my own words.

Where to next?

I would like to do more Social Studies with focus on History and love and explore more interesting experiments in Science.

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