
Thursday, 14 September 2017

The Work of the Church Today

The Work of the Church Today

Questions I have about the work of the church and building up the kingdom of God.

  1. If one person turns away from God, can the church forgive that person or like the master in the parable, cast them away?
  2. Is the church certain that they know what God really wants?
  3. What are my gifts?
  4. As a sinner, if I serve the church, does that mean I am slowly building my relationship with God?

How I can use my gifts to build the kingdom of God:

How can I use my gifts to build the kingdom of God, when firstly, I don’t know what my gifts are? I think that some gifts that I have are the gift of service and music. If I have the gift of service then I can serve the church by help setting up for masses. The other gift I have is the gift of music. I could use this gift to praise and worship God through singing and playing instruments. The gift of service can help build the kingdom of God because Jesus taught us to serve and love others.

In Room 5, we have been learning about how the Church works today and how we can use our gifts from God to help build His kingdom here on Earth. We also learnt how we could use our gifts to help with the work of the Church.

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